Welcome to the Horticulture and Agronomy Graduate Group
The Graduate Group in Horticulture & Agronomy offers programs of study leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees for students interested in the science and management of agricultural crops, including their ecology, physiology, genetics, and post-harvest management, as well as the interaction of agricultural crops with the environment.
In the Ph.D. program, students focus on one of five areas of emphasis: agroecology, crop improvement/plant breeding, crop production systems, plant physiology, and post-harvest biology/physiology. Research may be conducted within these areas with an applied or basic focus, but in association with a cropping system such as agronomy, environmental horticulture, pomology, vegetable crops, viticulture and weed science.
The M.S. program is designed to focus on a cropping system, such as agronomy, environmental horticulture, pomology, vegetable crops, viticulture and weed science. Within that cropping system, the student can specialize in one of a number of areas, including agroecology, biotechnology, breeding and crop improvement, crop physiology, crop production, floriculture, landscape horticulture, mineral nutrition, modeling, nursery production, pest management, plant growth and development, postharvest physiology, revegetation/restoration, and water relations. Research may be conducted within these areas with an applied or basic focus, but in association with a cropping system.