The Graduate Group in Horticulture and Agronomy designates its master's degree as a Master of Science (M.S.). Students may select Plan I or Plan II as described below. Students will choose one of the following options in which to focus their course work and research:
Agronomy, Environmental Horticulture, Pomology, Vegetable Crops, Viticulture, or Weed Science
Plan I students will select specific courses with guidance from the Graduate Adviser in consultation with the Major Professor. Plan II students will select specific courses in consultation with the Graduate Adviser. Within an option, the student can specialize in one of a number of areas; some suggested specializations are:
Agroecology, Biotechnology, Breeding and Genetics for Crop Improvement, Crop Physiology, Crop Production, Floriculture, Landscape Horticulture, Modeling and Quantitative Horticulture, Nursery Production, Pest Management, Plant Growth and Development, Plant Nutrition, Postharvest Physiology, Revegetation/Restoration, and Water Relations
Plan I
A miminum of thirty (30) units of upper division and graduate courses and a thesis are required. At least 12 of the 30 units must be in graduate courses in the major field. Courses are selected with the advice and consent of the student's Graduate Adviser and the Major Professor who is Chair of the Thesis Committee which is nominated by the Graduate Advisor and officially appointed by the Graduate Dean. The thesis will be based on experimental research.
Plan II
A minimum of thirty-six (36) units of upper division and graduate course work and a comprehensive final examination are required. At least 18 of the 36 units must be earned in graduate courses in the major field; no more than 9 of these 18 may be in research (299) courses. The group requires a minimum of 6 units of original research with a written report submitted to the Graduate Adviser. Courses are selected with the advice and consent of the student's Graduate Adviser. A faculty committee of three (3) is nominated by the Graduate Adviser and appointed by the Graduate Dean to administer the exam.